Match preparation, shot selection, tactics, & conditioning
Goal is to prepare players who are getting ready for or playing in tournaments, or on school teams.
Drills: Primarily player driven. We will work to group players with similar abilities.
Typical Participant: Individuals are able to hit the ball on the court with proper form for most strokes. Some strokes probably show weaknesses. Their shots likely regress under pressure, but may also look very good at times. They understand different shots and can transition between them. Minimally they can get points started with the serve and are likely developing pace or spin with it. They have the ability to hit the ball on the move. They are able to handle competitive situations (winning with grace, losing with class).
Assessment: Required before participation in Varsity Bound Camps and Clinics.
We can help you get to the next level no matter where you are starting from.
Want to try a new sport you can play for a lifetime?
Looking to make your high school tennis team?
Want to be fresher and stronger in the third set?
Tired of just hitting and want to learn how to control your mind, points, or emotions?
Do you want to get an edge on your teammates before challenge matches?
Want help pulling together a video for college coaches?
Private lessons - allow us to build something around your interests, needs and ability.
See the most up to date clinic offerings at Rates & Dates